Global Cotton Textile Industry – An analysis
TTS presentation at the Indian Cotton Conference

cotton textile industry

Factors such as increasing concern towards the adverse impact of synthetic fibers combined with the growing emphasis on reducing the usage of plastic-based materials are expected to fuel the growth of the Cotton Textile Industry.

The Global Cotton Production is expected to reach 29.2 Mn Tons by 2028 (Source:, with India and Brazil accounting for most of the quantity increase. At the same time, current global trade dynamics (China-US tussle) and China’s graduation to production of higher value goods will shape the global cotton consumption and trade trend.

These insights (and more) have been covered in the presentation on ‘The Global Cotton Textile Industry Analysis’ delivered by TTS at the Indian Cotton Conference, 2019 organized by the Cotton Council of India in Gurgaon on November 10, 2019.

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